Source code for cursesmenu.curses_menu

"""Top level class and functions for a curses-based menu."""

import atexit
import curses
import os
import pathlib
import threading
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, DefaultDict, List, Optional, cast

from deprecated import deprecated

import cursesmenu.utils
from cursesmenu.item_group import ItemGroup

    # noinspection PyCompatibility,PyProtectedMember
    from _curses import window

    Window = window
    from cursesmenu.items.menu_item import MenuItem
    Window = Any
    MenuItem = Any

MIN_SIZE = 6  # Top bar, space, title, space, subtitle, space, bottom bar

PROJECT_ROOT = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.absolute()

[docs]class CursesMenu: """ A menu created with the curses library. :param title: The title of the menu :param subtitle: The menu subtitle :ivar screen: The curses window associated with the menu. \ Created using curses.newpad when the menu is started :ivar highlight: Index of the curses color pair\ used to represent the highlighted item :ivar normal: Index of the curses color pair used to represent other text :ivar items: The list of items for the menu :param show_exit_item: Whether the exit item is shown :ivar current_option: The index of the currently highlighted menu item :ivar selected_option: The index of the last item the user selected, initially -1 :ivar should_exit: Flag to signal that the menu should exit on \ its next pass through its main loop :ivar returned_value: The value returned by the last selected item :ivar parent: The parent menu of this one, or None if this menu is the root menu :ivar user_input_handlers: A dictionary mapping character values to functions \ that handle those characters :ivar current_item: The MenuItem that's currently highlighted :ivar selected_item: The Menu item that's currently selected :cvar stdscr: The root curses window :ivar menu_height: The total height of the menu including the exit item :ivar last_item_index: The index of the max item in the menu, \ including the exit item :cvar currently_active_menu: Class variable that holds the \ currently active menu or None if no menu\ is currently active (E.G. when switching between menus) """ currently_active_menu: Optional["CursesMenu"] = None stdscr: Optional[Window] = None def __init__( self, title: str = "", subtitle: str = "", show_exit_item: bool = True, _debug_screens: bool = False, ): """Initialize the menu.""" self.title = title self.subtitle = subtitle self.screen: Optional[Window] = None # highlight should be initialized to black-on-white, but bold is a fine # fallback that doesn't need the screen initialized first self.highlight: int = curses.A_BOLD self.normal: int = curses.A_NORMAL # TODO: add a way to replace item indices with letters self.items: ItemGroup = ItemGroup(self) self.end_items: ItemGroup = ItemGroup(self) if show_exit_item: from cursesmenu.items.exit_item import ExitItem self.end_items.append(ExitItem(menu=self, override_index="q")) self.current_option = 0 self.selected_option = -1 self._main_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._wrap_start, daemon=True) self._running = threading.Event() self.should_exit = False # TODO: Should this be a property self.returned_value = None self.parent: Optional[CursesMenu] = None self.user_input_handlers: DefaultDict[int, Callable[[int], None]] = defaultdict( cursesmenu.utils.null_input_factory, ) self.user_input_handlers.update( { ord("\n"):, curses.KEY_UP: self.go_up, curses.KEY_DOWN: self.go_down, ord("q"): self.go_to_exit, curses.KEY_RESIZE: self.on_resize, }, ) self.user_input_handlers.update( {k: self.go_to for k in map(ord, map(str, range(1, 10)))}, ) self._debug_screens = _debug_screens def __repr__(self) -> str: """Get a string representation of the menu.""" return f"<{self.title}: {self.subtitle}. {len(self.items)} items>"
[docs] @classmethod def make_selection_menu( cls, selections: List[str], title: str = "", subtitle: str = "", show_exit_item: bool = False, ) -> "CursesMenu": """ Create a menu from a list of strings. The return value of the menu will be an index into the list of strings. :param selections: A list of strings to be selected from :param title: The title of the menu :param subtitle: The subtitle of the menu :param show_exit_item: If the exit item should be shown.\ If it is and the user selects it, the return value will be None :return: A CursesMenu with items for each selection """ menu = cls(title=title, subtitle=subtitle, show_exit_item=show_exit_item) from cursesmenu.items.selection_item import SelectionItem for index, selection in enumerate(selections): menu.items.append( SelectionItem(text=selection, index=index, should_exit=True), ) return menu
[docs] @classmethod def get_selection( cls, selections: List[str], title: str = "", subtitle: str = "", ) -> int: """ Present the user with a menu built from a list of strings and get the index\ of their selection. :param selections: The list of string possibilities :param title: The title of the menu :param subtitle: The subtitle of the menu :return: The index in the list of strings that the user selected """ menu = cls.make_selection_menu( selections=selections, title=title, subtitle=subtitle, show_exit_item=False, ) return cast(int,
@property def all_items(self) -> ItemGroup: """Get the combined list of items.""" return self.items + self.end_items @property def current_item(self) -> Optional[MenuItem]: """Get the currently selected MenuItem.""" if not self.all_items: return None else: return self.all_items[self.current_option] @property def selected_item(self) -> Optional[MenuItem]: """Get the most recently selected MenuItem.""" if self.selected_option == -1: return None else: return self.all_items[self.selected_option] @property def menu_height(self) -> int: """Get the number of items to be shown.""" return len(self.all_items) + MIN_SIZE @property def last_item_index(self) -> int: """Get the index of the last item in a list of items including the exit item \ if it's shown.""" return len(self.all_items) - 1
[docs] def show(self) -> Any: """ Start the menu and blocks until it finishes. :return: The return value from the last selected item """ self.start() return self.join()
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Start the menu's thread and return without blocking. The menu's thread is a daemon, so if the calling script \ may exit before the user is finished interacting, use \ :meth:`join()<cursesmenu.CursesMenu.join>` to block until the menu exits. """ self.should_exit = False self._main_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._wrap_start, daemon=True) self._main_thread.start()
def _wrap_start(self) -> None: if self.parent is None: cursesmenu.utils.soft_clear_terminal() # We only want to fully clear the screen at the exit of the outermost\ # Script that uses curses to prevent character handling from messing up if os.getenv("CURSES_MENU_PID") is None: pid = os.getpid() os.environ["CURSES_MENU_PID"] = str(pid) atexit.register(cursesmenu.utils.clear_terminal) try: CursesMenu.stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() CursesMenu.stdscr.keypad(True) # noinspection PyBroadException try: curses.start_color() except: # noqa: E722 # pragma: no cover pass self._main_loop() finally: # I currently don't remember whether there's a situation where stdscr # should be None at runtime, so I'm leaving this as an if # as opposed to an assert, but using a pragma for coverage if CursesMenu.stdscr is not None: # pragma: no branch CursesMenu.stdscr.keypad(False) curses.endwin() curses.echo() curses.nocbreak() os.system("stty echo") else: self._main_loop() def _main_loop(self) -> None: assert CursesMenu.stdscr is not None self.screen = curses.newpad(self.menu_height, CursesMenu.stdscr.getmaxyx()[1]) self._set_up_colors() curses.curs_set(0) CursesMenu.stdscr.refresh() self.draw() self._running.set() while self._running.wait() is not False and not self.should_exit: CursesMenu.currently_active_menu = self self.process_user_input() self.clear_screen() self._running.clear() def _set_up_colors(self) -> None: curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) self.highlight = curses.color_pair(1)
[docs] def draw(self) -> None: """ Draw the menu. Adds border, title and subtitle, and items, then refreshes the screen. """ assert self.screen is not None self.screen.border() self.screen.addstr(2, 2, self.title, curses.A_STANDOUT) self.screen.addstr(4, 2, self.subtitle, curses.A_BOLD) for index, item in enumerate(self.all_items): self.draw_item(index, item) self.refresh_screen() if self._debug_screens: # pragma: no cover with open( PROJECT_ROOT.joinpath("screendumps", f"{self.title}-{time.time()}"), "wb", ) as f: self.screen.putwin(f) with open( PROJECT_ROOT.joinpath( "screendumps", f"stdscr-{self.title}-{time.time()}", ), "wb", ) as f: self.screen.putwin(f)
[docs] def draw_item( self, index: int, item: MenuItem, index_text: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Draw an individual item. :param index: The numerical index of the item in the list :param item: The item to be drawn :param index_text: Text to override the index portion of the item """ if index_text is None: index_text = str(index + 1) text_style = self.highlight if self.current_option == index else self.normal assert self.screen is not None and text_style is not None self.screen.addstr( MIN_SIZE - 1 + index, 4,, text_style, )
[docs] def refresh_screen(self) -> None: """Refresh what's onscreen to match the cursor's position.""" assert CursesMenu.stdscr is not None assert self.screen is not None screen_rows, screen_cols = CursesMenu.stdscr.getmaxyx() if self.menu_height > screen_rows: top_row = min(self.menu_height - screen_rows, self.current_option) else: top_row = 0 self.screen.refresh(top_row, 0, 0, 0, screen_rows - 1, screen_cols - 1)
[docs] def process_user_input(self) -> int: """ Get and then handle the user's input. :return: The character the user input. """ user_input = self.get_input() self.user_input_handlers[user_input](user_input) return user_input
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def get_input(self) -> int: """ Get the user's input. :return: The character input by the user. """ assert CursesMenu.stdscr is not None return CursesMenu.stdscr.getch()
[docs] def select(self, _: int = 0) -> None: """ Select the current item. Called for the enter/return key. """ if not self.all_items: self._exit() return self.selected_option = self.current_option assert self.selected_item is not None self.selected_item.set_up() self.selected_item.action() self.selected_item.clean_up() self.returned_value = self.selected_item.get_return() self.should_exit = self.selected_item.should_exit if not self.should_exit: self.draw()
def _exit(self) -> None: self.should_exit = True
[docs] def go_to(self, user_input: int) -> None: """ Go to a given numbered item. Called on numerical input. Currently implementation only works on single digits. """ if self.last_item_index > 9: go_to_max = ord("9") elif self.last_item_index < 0: return else: go_to_max = ord(str(self.last_item_index)) # TODO: Make this use a buffer for multi-digit numbers # TODO: also use for letters if ord("1") <= user_input <= go_to_max: self.current_option = user_input - ord("0") - 1 self.draw()
[docs] def go_to_exit(self, _: int = 0) -> None: """ Go to the exit item. Called for Q. """ self.current_option = self.last_item_index self.draw()
[docs] def go_down(self, _: int = 0) -> None: """ Go down one item, wrap if necessary. Called when the user presses the down arrow. """ if self.current_option < self.last_item_index: self.current_option += 1 else: self.current_option = 0 self.draw()
[docs] def go_up(self, _: int = 0) -> None: """ Go up one item, wrap if necessary. Called when the user presses the up arrow. """ if self.current_option > 0: self.current_option += -1 else: self.current_option = self.last_item_index self.draw()
def on_resize(self, _: int = 0) -> None: """Handle a terminal resize event.""" assert CursesMenu.stdscr is not None screen_rows, screen_cols = CursesMenu.stdscr.getmaxyx() curses.resizeterm(screen_rows, screen_cols) self.draw()
[docs] def clear_screen(self) -> None: """Clear the screen for this menu.""" assert self.screen is not None self.screen.clear() self.refresh_screen()
[docs] def join(self, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Any: """ Block until the menu exits. :param timeout: time in seconds until the menu is forced to close :return: The value returned from the last selected item """ self._main_thread.join(timeout=timeout) return self.returned_value
[docs] def is_running(self) -> bool: """ Check if the menu has is running (has not been paused). :return: True if the menu has not been paused false otherwise. """ return self._running.is_set()
[docs] def wait_for_start(self, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: """ Block until the menu starts. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds :return: True unless the operation times out """ return self._running.wait(timeout)
[docs] def pause(self) -> None: """Pause this menu's thread.""" self._running.clear()
[docs] def resume(self) -> None: """Resume this menu's thread.""" self._running.set()
[docs] def is_alive(self) -> bool: """ Check if the menu's thread is running. :return: True if the menu's thread is alive, false if not. """ return self._main_thread.is_alive()
[docs] def exit(self, timeout: Optional[int] = None) -> Any: """ Signal the menu to exit and block until it does. :param timeout: timeout before the menu is forced to close :return: the value of the last selected item """ self._exit() return self.join(timeout)
def adjust_screen_size(self) -> None: """Adjust the screen size to match the length of the item list and redraw.""" if self.screen: max_row, max_cols = self.screen.getmaxyx() if max_row < MIN_SIZE + len(self.all_items): self.screen.resize(self.menu_height, max_cols) self.draw()
[docs] @deprecated(reason="Use self.items.append.", version="0.6.0") def append_item(self, item: MenuItem) -> None: """Append an item to the list of items.""" self.items.append(item)